
Kyseessä on virtuaalihevonen

Paint The Passageway

Virallinen nimi Paint The Passageway "Wayla"
Rotu saddlebred
Sukupuoli tamma
Syntymäaika, ikä 08.03.2014, 19 vuotta (8.3.23)
Säkä, väri 155cm, musta
Rekisterinumero VH15-016-0065
Kasvattaja Sophie Bradley, Yhdysvallat
Maahantuoja Calla, Awareness
Omistaja Ireth VRL-03777, Namyshill
Koulutustaso Country, saddleseat
Ostettu 02.03.2017

Reipas, kevyt ja nöyrä ratsastaa, yrittää aina parhaansa. Maastovarma kaikissa tilanteissa, ei kuumu eikä lähde lapasesta.


i. Not 'Til Proof
EVM, 159, m, saddleseat
ii. Puzzle's Missing Piece
EVM, 160cm, mvkk, saddleseat
iii. Nova Man
EVM, 160cm, mvkk
iie. Midnight's Awaken
EVM, 158cm, rt
ie. Classy Dancer
EVM, 158cm, m tob, saddleseat
iei. Bail Me Out
EVM, 161cm, rt tob
iee. Mama's Pride
EVM, 157cm, m
e. Mustang Sally
EVM, 152cm, m sab, saddleseat
ei. European Sword
EVM, 157cm, rt sab, saddleseat
eii. Just Another New Winter
EVM, 156cm, vrt
eie. Texas Rose
EVM, 157cm, prt sab
ee. Meadow Skipper
EVM, 151cm, m, saddleseat
eei. Royal Affair
EVM, 155cm, rn
eee. Sky's Pride
EVM, 151cm, mkm


27.08.2024sdb-t. Running Away NMHi. Winning A Battle VH24-016-0043
18.07.2024sdb-t. Shock Colors NMHi. Shock To The System VH24-016-0029
23.04.2023sdb-t. Paint Me Away Namysi. Much Too Much VH23-016-0060
01.06.2018sdb-o. Namys Battlefieldi. Lafayette Battleborn VH18-016-0067
04.02.2016sdb-t. AWA Alleywayi. Trying To Sabotage VH16-016-0199
12.06.2015sdb-o. AWA Rio Bravoi. Ima Pure Maniac VH16-016-0191


ARJ - 13 sijoitusta
02.10.2015 - Country Combination - 02/21
06.10.2016 - Country Combination - 01/09
07.10.2016 - Country Pleasure - 03/09
07.10.2016 - Country Combination - 03/09
08.10.2016 - Country Pleasure Driving - 02/09
07.03.2016 - Country Pleasure Driving - 01/10
08.03.2016 - Country Pleasure Driving - 02/10
12.03.2016 - Country Pleasure Driving - 03/10
29.04.2016 - Country Pleasure - 03/14
01.05.2016 - Country Pleasure - 02/14
03.05.2016 - Country Combination - 02/14
04.05.2016 - Country Combination - 01/14
05.05.2016 - Country Combination - 02/14
22.05.2017 - Country Pleasure - 04/38
24.05.2017 - Country Combination - 05/38
25.05.2017 - Country Pleasure - 04/38
26.05.2017 - Country Pleasure - 03/38
01.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 03/22
01.07.2017 - Country Combination - 03/22
03.07.2017 - Country Pleasure - 02/22
04.07.2017 - Country Pleasure - 02/22
06.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 03/22
09.07.2017 - Country Pleasure - 04/22
09.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 01/22
10.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 03/22
15.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 04/22
17.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 04/22
18.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 04/22
18.07.2017 - Country Combination - 04/22
19.07.2017 - Country Pleasure Driving - 01/22
19.07.2017 - Country Combination - 02/22
21.07.2017 - Country Pleasure - 04/22
22.07.2017 - Country Pleasure - 04/22
23.07.2017 - Country Pleasure - 04/22
23.07.2017 - Country Combination - 01/22
26.07.2017 - Country Pleasure - 01/22
28.07.2017 - Country Combination - 02/22
16.08.2018 - Country Combination - 01/04
17.08.2018 - Country Pleasure - 01/04
18.08.2018 - Country Combination - 01/04
19.08.2018 - Country Pleasure - 02/04
19.08.2018 - Country Pleasure Driving - 02/04
01.09.2018 - Country Pleasure - 02/15
06.09.2018 - Country Pleasure - 03/15
06.09.2018 - Country Pleasure Driving - 01/15
07.09.2018 - Country Pleasure Driving - 03/15
30.04.2021 - Country Pleasure Driving - 01/25

Hevosen kuvat © Jean (CC BY 2.0)